Tuesday, July 31, 2007

10 Things

Apologies that I have been neglecting my blog a little lately...I have just been feeling in such a rut, know what I mean? I, Lulu who practically has her camera glued to her hip 21 hours a day, was getting tired of taking photographs. I was! It seems so unbelievable, even, especially, to me because I haven't stopped for breath since I received my camera last December - but it's true.
So I stopped. I stopped taking photographs all together for a few days. I didn't photograph Thomas when I stopped by my aunt's house yesterday, I didn't shoot the beautiful sunset our street was graced with last night and I refused to take the camera with me to my friend's birthday party. And, you know what, it actually worked. Combined with a resolution to get out of my comfort zone - to shoot inside more and seek out difficult lighting conditions and great natural light spots in my house - I feel completely completely completely liberated. I feel as if I can shoot anything, whenever I want, and don't *have* to take some photographs to post on the blog every day. I can just shoot when I want, how I want, where I want...for ME.
So, being so embraced by freedom and all, I decided to embark on the 10 things photo project - in short, you are asked to photograph and document 10 things you love and that bring a smile to your face...blue skies or bath oils or babies or Brighton...you name it! It's so much fun, it truly is...if you have time on your hands, ladies, you should definitely try it...and I *know* I will treasure these images close to my heart when I am old and wrinky and archaic and 103, and my favourites are lavender parfum and false teeth and Wedgwood ornaments. I will look back at them lovingly and remember what it was like to be 16 and young and carefree, and to love psychadelic felt tip pens and mad red polka dot totes and washing lines full of vim. I just know it.
1. I don't eat them often at all, maybe once every few months if that, but when I do, I adore them. I only like 'thin' chips, not horrible thick ones that look like somebody's severed fingers...but thin, golden, crispy ones from Marks and Spencers that taste just ike divinity warmed up.
10 things : #1
2. I am also a self-confessed stationey junkie. I mean it. Don't ever take me into Paperchase or WH Smith because you cannot hope to see daylight again until the store closes. I got it from my mother, although her passion has somewhat ceased with age. Since the ripe old age of six, people don't bother to ask me what I'd like for my birthday or for Christmas. They just buy me stationery - felt tips pens or coloured markers or pretty notebooks or stickers - and they know without a doubt I'll be delighted. That's me easily pleased.
10 Things: #2
3. Ever since I could stand, I have loved standing in the back yard between the washing lines. We have three in total, sometimes four, and they are always pegged full with brightly coloured towels and clothes and polka dot knickers and crispy white bed linen. I love to stand between the lines and feel the swish of the fabric around me; I love to look from my window at sunrise and see the bright hues of the garments reflecting our sun's golden light; and I love to read beneath the lines being fanned gently by my favourite summer dress as it dries.
10 Things: #3
More to come soon...until then, be happy! Love, L.


Blogger Lipglossiping said...

fantastic idea Lulu and a lovely little insight into your world, there's nothing like getting your teeth stuck into a project to get your creativity juices flowing... can't wait to see some more!

3:48 pm, July 31, 2007  
Blogger Christie said...

how sweet, lulu. glad you're out of your rut. :) they are so fresh and colorful. enjoy your shooting and i can't wait to see more.

4:31 pm, July 31, 2007  
Blogger Stephanie said...

What a fantastic idea. I'll absolutely be trying to photograph the 10 things that bring a smile to my face. :D

Love your photos and how they mix with who you are. Great..great..great. :D

5:11 pm, July 31, 2007  
Blogger Dogeared said...

I'll have to think about this "10 things" idea, and do it! Thanks :-)

6:40 pm, July 31, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun idea! And I love how you realized that you don't have to photograph for your blog (although WE LOVE IT) but to take snaps of things YOU love...when and where and how you want. I love that. And as always, I really enjoyed reading what you had to say...when you publish your first novel, I will buy it in a heart beat! :o)

6:44 pm, July 31, 2007  
Blogger Tiffany said...

Lulu, I just adore your still life...so not fair!!! you just have an eye of making ordinary objects interesting!!! love them all.

2:23 am, August 01, 2007  
Blogger Virginia said...

I'm glad you are out of your rut. :) It helps to stop shooting for a few days, doesn't it? I love the 10 things idea. I'll have to try that!

5:45 am, August 01, 2007  
Blogger Angie Penrose said...

What a fun idea Lulu! I will defenitely be trying this one. Thanks for sharing little bits of your life with us. Your so fun and interesting and your photos are amazing!

7:19 am, August 01, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is a beautiful post Lulu. Wonderful idea as well. I love your shots. Now I have to go eat some fries. ;)

3:09 pm, August 01, 2007  
Blogger Donita said...

I can definitely relate to the rut. I think it happens to everyone, no matter what your passion. Every few days,I leave my camera on my desk and only check on email/blogs, etc once a day. That helps me appreciate it more and get more inspired : ) Great shots and love the 10 things idea!

6:35 pm, August 01, 2007  
Blogger Tiffany said...

I love these too! I love how you see photographs in Everything and Anything!! You are really an inspiration for creativity and seeing the beauty in everything!!
Thanks! :)

9:16 pm, August 01, 2007  
Blogger Ellen said...

What a wonderful idea, Lulu. And I do understand you about slumps (I replied on ILP). Thanks for sharing a little about your favourite things! I'm also a stationary junkie, I just love it.

6:00 am, August 02, 2007  
Blogger Amy (3 Peas) said...

What a great idea Lulu and these photos are SO lovely!

7:20 am, August 04, 2007  

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