Monday, June 11, 2007

Who Do You Admire?

One of the first things I ask someone in life, when I meet a them or speak to them on the telephone, is "Who is your hero? Who do you admire?" ... I believe that from their role model, their inspiration, you can tell a lot about that person - their character, their interests, who they are and who they would like to become. So I'd love to hear who you admire - anyone, family, friends, a politician, a celebrity...whoever it is. I'd love to hear who and why and how it came to be, whether on your blog or in a comment.


I have a lot of idols. Well, I don't like to call them idols...more admirables, role grandfathers, my grandmothers, my parents, Martin Luther King, Anne Frank, Harper Lee. But the one that always stands out, the one that always comes back to me, the one I can relate to most of all is Robert F. Kennedy. Ever since I watched a documentary on him a long while back I have admired his triumph through adversity, his devotion to his family, his courage and bravery, and his gentle nature, his belief in his duty to do right. There is something in his spirit and his policies that kindled a fire inside me, that made me want to change this world, to bring goodness and happiness to all. Whilst his brother took the fame and glory, he stood on the sidelines and worked harder than ever yet still managed a smile. His message was one of hope and of truth and of love. His idealism and views speak to me beyond words. I think he would've won, had he have lived. He would have won.
So, let me know, who do you admire?
L. x


Blogger Carley Zarzeka said...

Your writing is incredible!
My role model since the age of 4 has stayed the same.Its is my teacher, Christina Hummel. She feels like my second mother, always ready to be there for me if I need her. But this Staurday I am graduating from her class and going to a new school next year withouy her, and that is the hardest part about leaving school for me.
- Carley

11:22 am, June 11, 2007  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Yours are wonderful role models. My #1 role model is my mother she is my everything. She's the one that gave me life, she's the one that raised me, loved me, taught me and showed me the strength and beauty of life. My mother is astrong willed women who has been through a lot but is still soft spoken and so friendly. I have a few more role models as well, my husband and my kids but who wouldn't look up to them especially when they are a main part of your life!!

4:46 pm, June 11, 2007  
Blogger Carrie Young said...

ooooooooooo GOOD QUESTION!
My ultimate role model ever since I was a little kid is my Dad. I am such a Daddy's Girl!!!! Apart from the fact that he is a smart & wise man, he laughs every single day. Probably every single hour. He laughs at himself, others, life, situations... he sees the funny & positive side of everything! What a way to live your life?!!!

Celebrity wise? hmmm not sure I have any Celebrity idols / role models or what ever you would like to call them....

4:43 am, June 12, 2007  
Blogger Lulu said...

Thank you. I loved hearing about your role models. :)

3:09 pm, June 12, 2007  
Blogger Rebekah said...

You're right, who one admires does say a lot about them. I'll think about who I will write about and maybe make a blog post about it... there are quite a few people but I suppose I should narrow it down a bit! Surprisingly, I have never heard about Robert F. Kennedy, so I will have to look him up now. :)

3:41 pm, June 12, 2007  
Blogger Lulu said...

Rebekah, I look forward to it. I am sure you have heard of him though, he was JFK's brother who ran for the presidency in 1968 but was shot just after winning the California primary.

4:02 pm, June 12, 2007  
Blogger Ellen said...

I've been thinking about this since you posted it, and I still can't decide on a firm answer. There are so many people I admire that it's hard. Of course I admire family members and my best friend and teachers and other such people. Those are my real life role models who have turned me into who I am and continue to shape my future. It's harder for me to decide on more generally well-known people to mention. I admire so many women in history for their strength and determination. I admire biblical figures for their dedication to their faith and their triumphs through adversity. Revolutionaries for the courage to stand up to "the man," and "the man" for having the will-power and hopefully work ethic to get to such a position of power. I admire people who have fought for what they believe in, no matter what the cause. Great authors are such important figures to me, as are musicians who have changed history many times over. Hmm. This is hard! I feel like I'm neglecting some by mentioning others.. I suppose I really admire qualities rather than people in general, if that makes sense. I refuse to completely follow what anyone does, or says to do. I create my own path based on the best qualities of many instead. I do pick up some bad ideas along the way though! :p

This was a good idea, Lulu. I'll be back if I have more thoughts, and thanks for posting yours! Robert F. Kennedy was an amazing man for sure.

3:55 pm, June 13, 2007  

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